The Infamous Snowglobe Collection


    As a kid I was always fond of snow globes. I really don't have a reason other than I thought they were pretty and fun to play with. That's a pretty good reason to me. I had so many snowglobes as a kid and everywhere we traveled I would find one for a souvenir. I loved the idea of having one for each memory so my mom kept getting them for me as I grew up and I have not gotten one in so long but the meaning is so dear to me. It brings me such comfort you would only feel as an innocent child. 

I have no idea what happened to my collection to be truthful, I know I have a few left in my old room but I think if I ever have kids I would do this for my child. I don't want kids so if anything I will do this for a nephew or niece in the future. I am writing this at work while staring at a snowglobe and the pure bliss of my childhood on my mind.


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