Babysitting Chronicles


    Babysitting is one job that doesn't feel like a job. It is so fun and rewarding to hangout with kids. I babysit for a family friend, her two kids are the sweetest kids I have ever met. I love to watch them and they get so excited when I come over. We usually color or go outside and play with the two year olds sandbox. The other baby is only three months old. She is so sweet and adorable. 

    I used to babysit a five year old and seven year old which was so different then babysitting a 3 month old and a two year old. I think I prefer watching when they are younger because its a lot less attitude and they just want to eat and play. The other kids wanted me to drive them everywhere and go get starbucks which I always ended up paying for. I definitely reccomend babysitting it is easy money and you normally can just relax if the kids are sleeping or you are playing with them!


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