Through Charlie's Eyes

     My name is Charlie Rose Quinlan. I am a two year old female chocolate lab. My mom decided to write this weeks blog post about the recent adventure she and her boyfriend took me on. So come along for the ride!
    My mom got a new fancy Jeep that she decided to take me for a ride in finally. So her boyfriend, my best friend, Christian put down the seats in her wrangler and let me climb in! We started driving and I realized how much fun this is! All the sudden mom started screaming. I tried licking her to make her stop but I soon realized a bee flew in her Jeep and stung her. I was furious. I kept watch for that dang bee to come back and try to hurt my besties again. I would be there to stop it this time. Christian helped mom get the stinger out and calmed her down and let me give mom kisses. We were back on the road.     
    The top was off her car and it was so breezy it felt so good in my fur. Christian took videos of me while I was sniffing the air which was kind of rude of him but then he gave me pets so I was happy.  We got to this place with a huge bowl of water, bigger than I have ever seen. Mom called it a lake but who knows what that means. We got out of the car and I saw so many people I got so excited. We went to the other side of the beach and mom, Christian, and I went into the water. It felt so good on a hot day. Mom and Christian got mad at me because I kept trying to eat the geese poop but they don't understand me.     After we hung out at the lake for a little bit, mom got me back in the car and we were on our way home! I was so sleepy and I almost fell asleep on the way home. Once we got there they let me out and I went inside and took a big nap. This was the best day ever. 


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